Month: March 2012 Lists Commence CRM Number 1 for SaaS CRM Software Providers

By CommenceCRM / March 30, 2012

See the original article here: Top 10 SaaS CRM Software Providers

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Sales Tracking Software is Essential

By CommenceCRM / March 30, 2012

For the 21st Century Salesperson Trying to keep track of leads, prospects and sales is a huge challenge for any sales professional, and requires great organizational skills. Keeping several files and applications, databases and spreadsheets, which require regular updates, can take up precious time and allow sales to slip away. This is why having  CRM software is needed to efficiently…

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CRM Software Developer and Consultant in Aruba

By CommenceCRM / March 28, 2012

CRM software developer and consultant job opening in Aruba

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4 Biggest Time Wasters for Sales People

By Dave Kahle / March 27, 2012

Here are the four most common time-wasters I’ve observed. See if any apply to you or your sales people.

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Reference Selling is the Key to Higher Close Ratios

By CommenceCRM / March 26, 2012

CRM Software Can Help Every sales representative dreams about that phone call when they hear a prospect say “I was referred to you by one of your customers.”  Want to know why? Statistics indicate that close ratios for new sales increase from 1% for cold calls to as high as 90% for those calls where a personal introduction has been…

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Use Online CRM Software to Connect With Your Customers

By CommenceCRM / March 23, 2012

You have probably heard the old saying: “Leave your customers alone and they will go away“. In today’s business environment staying in touch with your customers is paramount to achieving a level of service that drives customer loyalty. While the human touch is important for building rapport and ensuring that your customers are pleased with your product or service, CRM…

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Commence Challenges for Elite 8 Position in Capterra’s CRM Madness

By CommenceCRM / March 22, 2012

Commence Corporation is pleased to announce its selection as a Top 16 CRM solution provider in the Capterra CRM Madness vendor tournament.  Commence will now challenge for a position as an Elite Eight CRM system. Winning both round one and two supports the fact that Commence customers have had a strong voice in favor of the company’s product and…

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Commence Wins Round One of Capterra’s CRM Software Challenge

By CommenceCRM / March 20, 2012

If you have been following Capterra’s CRM Madness online tournament you know that thanks to your support Commence CRM has moved into round two of the CRM vendor challenge. While this is exciting we need to call on you one more time so others can learn about the value they can realize from Commence CRM.  Please take a moment to…

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Every CRM System Has a Sweet Spot

By CommenceCRM / March 20, 2012

If you are considering implementing CRM software for your business perhaps the following recommendations will help. First, it is important to realize that despite the fact that CRM solution providers try to be all things to all people, every CRM system is targeted at a specific market sector. Programs like Zoho for example start out as free so it’s quite…

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Employee Satisfaction Ensures Customer Satisfaction

By CommenceCRM / March 16, 2012

How do you know if a CRM system is aligned with your organization’s needs and future goals? Download the CRM checklist to help make this decision.

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