Month: May 2013
The most basic function of any sales manager is to make sure that their sales team is doing the things that they need to be in order to be successful. Sales managers should keep their eye on certain statistics that will give them valuable information about the performance of their team. These statistics can range from activity tracking, response time,…
Read MoreThere is no such thing as the best CRM software. There are several products that may address your business requirements better than others, but there is no top CRM solution or best CRM system. Sorry to disappoint you. There is a lot of hype in this industry sector and millions spent on marketing and branding, but the best CRM software…
Read MoreLarry Caretsky, Commence CEO, has released the white paper “Don’t Let Quality Leads Slip Away: Executive Takes Action with CRM Software.” Here’s an excerpt including the introduction and you can download the full white paper below: “As a sales executive of a computer software firm, I became consistently frustrated when comparing the number of leads that we generated every quarter to…
Read MoreThis is a Sales Question and Answer article from guest poster Dave Kahle, author and leading sales educator. Follow Dave’s latest Tweets at @davekahle. Q. Dave, I’m interested in what you would recommend for a subscription to a monthly sales magazine and a sales improvement seminar. A. You have touched one of my hot-buttons with this question. So, forgive me…
Read MoreA best practice for sales people by Dave Kahle, author and leading sales educator. There are several very common temptations that routinely present themselves to the field salesperson. One is to become too reactive. When you succumb to this temptation, you eventually default to a mindset that sees your job as essentially being your customer’s gofer. You determine where to go…
Read MoreThis is a best practice for sales people by Dave Kahle, author and leading sales educator. Article by Dave Kahle This is one of those pieces of conventional wisdom that no one seems to question: “It’s good to be passionate about your product.” Like so many of these conventional myths that ingrain themselves into our psyche, this one has the…
Read MoreIn part one of this paper, we discussed how critically important it is to select a sales model that is appropriate for the products or services you are selling. In our case study the ‘NewCo’ company needed to transition from a high cost direct sales organization to selling via the internet and channel partners. The second and equally important strategy to…
Read MoreInternet marketing experts estimate that at any given time only a fraction of the market is interested in the product or service you are selling. The problem is if you don’t know who they are or when they plan on buying, how can you earn their business? Here are some things you can and need to do. 1. Implement a…
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