Month: July 2013
Sales professionals have a tough job. While constantly under pressure to make their monthly or quarterly sales numbers they have to deal with prospects that – well don’t always represent their position of authority or their company’s requirements accurately. You know the story. How many times have you been told that someone is the decision maker, only to learn later…
Read MoreCan customer management software programs have an impact in acquiring new customers? You betcha! Today’s top rated CRM software solutions now make it possible to create customized drip marketing campaigns to introduce your business to new prospects and to nurture ones that are not yet ready to make a decision. How does this work? Well first, you may be wondering…
Read MoreIn today’s fast paced on demand environment if you are not able to address customer inquiries quickly and efficiently you’re out of business. Organizations, regardless of size, must streamline how they handle client interactions, as relying on tools like spiral notebooks or Excel spreadsheets is no longer sufficient.You need to be agile, social and prepared to engage your customers. The…
Read MoreThis is a Sales Question and Answer article from guest poster Dave Kahle, author and leading sales educator. Follow Dave’s latest Tweets at @davekahle. Q. I’ve read your ideas about the need to invest in developing myself. Can you quantify that? How much time and money should I spend on my own education? A. Now that‘s a question I’m rarely…
Read MoreHelping your prospect resolve uncertainty Regardless of the type of business you are in, your prospect has some idea of what he or she wants to buy. But most are not 100 percent sure because they may be dealing with uncertainty and experiencing insecurity. No one likes nor enjoys being uncertain or insecure and they are not going to buy…
Read MoreBy Dave Kahle Every now and then I encounter a salesperson who believes that it is to his advantage to have all the calls and requests from the customer go to him personally. Picture a salesperson with his arms wide open, trying to encircle and control every relationship with the customer, every communication, and every transaction. Salespeople with this mentality…
Read MoreThe experienced consumer has most likely purchased software before and knows that mistakes can be costly.
Read MoreThis is a best practice for sales people by Dave Kahle, author and leading sales educator. “This would be a great business if it weren’t for the competition!” Unfortunately, the existence of the competition impacts every industry, every business and every sales position. What the competition does or does not do can make a dramatic impact upon a company and…
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