
By CommenceCRM

CRM Software Automates Sales Follow Up and Customer Follow Up

CRM software is traditionally used for managing customer contacts, notes, history and the sales cycle, but CRM provides tremendous benefit by automating customer follow up and sales follow up.   Mid-market CRM solutions like Commence CRM incorporate functionality designed specifically for this purpose.  With Commence CRM, you can classify customers according to specific criteria such as size, location, industry or the products and services they are using.  Using the CRM systems marketing automation tools and sales leads lists you can then create automated marketing followup programs that ensure that valuable information is continually sent out to the sales leads and existing customer base on a pre-determined schedule.  This drip marketing program is perfect for sales follow-up as well as for marketing automation.


How Automated Follow-up Software Works


Let’s say for example that you have a new business lead or sales lead. After calling the sales lead you have learned that they are not ready to buy for at least 3 to 4 months.  Using the automated marketing follow-up software you can schedule email documents to go out to the prospect every few weeks thereby ensuring that your company, product or service is consistently in front of them.  Once set up, you can now use this sales and marketing follow up program for any new business leads that fit these same criteria.

Using CRM software for customer follow-up works exactly the same way.  Staying in touch with your existing customers is critical to retaining your customers, building rapport and relationships, and providing quality service.  The automated customer followup software can be used to send educational materials, tips and techniques about your product, press releases, customer testimonials or regular updates about new products or services.

Companies like Commence Corporation have taken CRM software to the next level adding more value to your business.  To learn more about Commence’s web based CRM software, visit the company’s web site at commenceaug202.wpengine.com.
