
By CommenceCRM

Customer Ranking Now Part of Commence CRM

Do you know who your most profitable customers are? Which ones require a high level of service or which ones have potential for up-selling or cross selling?  You would if you had Commence CRM.  Commence Corporation a leading provider of cloud based CRM software has released an enhanced version of their popular online CRM software that is taking customer relationship management to a new level.  The enhanced version now offers a built in customer ranking system that quickly identifies the value that each customer provides to your business.  This automated business process ranks and color codes each customer based on a set of pre-defined business criteria. Some examples include customer size, revenue, fulfillment cost, service level requirements, profitability, future growth potential and customer retention. Best of all, the criteria are completely customizable.

Ranking and segmenting customers according to their value to your business can play an important role in defining future service level agreements and marketing activity. You may for example choose to modify your service contracts for customers that consistently require a high level of customer care thereby increasing profitability.  In addition, by segmenting those customers with the highest potential for up-selling or cross selling, you can create specific marketing programs targeted at this customer segment. The color coding feature enables management and each end user to quickly identify the top rated or most profitable customers allowing you to pay special attention to them and provide the type of service that ensures customer retention.

Automated Customer Ranking Process

customer ranking and qualification questions (2)

Account Summary View

account summary

Commence Corporation continues to be an innovator in the field of customer management software providing advanced functionality not offered by industry competitors, Microsoft and Salesforce.com.   The company has been providing CRM business solutions to mid-size and small enterprises for more than two decades.  For more information about Commence’s  CRM software solutions, call 1-877-266-6362 or visit the company’s web site at commenceaug202.wpengine.com.
