
By CommenceCRM

Commence Corporation Addresses Small Business Marketing Challenge

Running a small to mid-size business is no easy task and when it comes to generating new business things can often get harder. That’s because producing new business opportunities requires experienced sales and marketing resources and sales automation tools that many of these businesses simply don’t have.

“There is clearly a gap in the small to mid-size business community” says Larry Caretsky, President of Commence Corporation a manufacturer of CRM software . “We find that some companies have an experienced sales manager but limited marketing support while others are just the opposite.  Companies have tried to address this need with a myriad of disparate tools and solutions that just don’t deliver the value expected. Some offer to sell you a list of prospects, some will make appointments via outbound marketing while others will send bulk e-mails on your behalf or offer some basic templates that you can modify for your business. In today’s competitive landscape you need a solution that will do it all for you. This is where Commence Corporation differentiates itself from other CRM solution providers. While most businesses evaluate CRM solutions based solely on the features offered, we at Commence believe it is more important to identify the services that solution provider can offer to ensure you realize the maximum value from their solution. When it comes to managing accounts and contacts, sales and leads, the majority of CRM solutions are pretty much the same. The service offered is the differentiator.”

Commence CRM customers tend to be companies of 10 to 50 users who have a sales team or an executive that manages sales, but it’s marketing and lead generation where they are struggling. They typically do not have the expertise on board to design and execute effective and consistent marketing campaigns over a long period of time. To address this need, Commence now offers marketing and lead generation .

“We have an experienced staff of sales and marketing professionals, says Caretsky and are offering their services to our CRM customers.  The services include attaining a targeted list of 5,000 to 50,000 prospects, designing bulk e-mail marketing campaigns each with a call to action, distributing the campaigns on a scheduled basis and reporting on the behavior of each prospect.  The reporting is built into the Leads module in the CRM system which ranks and color-codes each lead based on specific criteria. For example, any prospect that opens the campaign scores 2 points, if they click on a call to action, they score 3 and if they fill out a web form, they score 5 points.  Based on the number of points generated the lead is then color coded red for hot, yellow for promising and blue for just starting out. This system enables the sales team to be laser focused on the most promising prospects, which leads to a higher closing ratio and higher revenues.

Commence plans to continue to grow its sales and marketing service offering and is now talking with customers about providing content distribution and engagement with social media platforms.

To learn more about these services contact or call 877-266-6362
