
By CommenceCRM

Don’t Make a CRM Buying Mistake : 7 Points to Consider Before Selecting Your CRM Solution

Larry Caretsky, Commence CEO, has released the white paper “Don’t Make a CRM Buying Mistake : 7 Points to Consider Before Selecting Your CRM Solution”. Selecting the right CRM software or customer management software for your business can be a daunting exercise. This White Paper will help you differentiate the myriad of product offerings and enable you to make an informed and educated decision.

Here’s an excerpt including the introduction and you can download the full white paper below:

“Customer Relationship Management is one of the fastest growing sectors of the computer software industry.  In order to gain a competitive edge, companies of all sizes are looking for ways to improve how they market, sell and provide service to their customers.  Many are turning their attention to Customer Relationship Management software as a tool that will enable them to effectively manage their customer relationships before, during and after the sale. “

Click to view or download the full CRM Whitepaper
