Month: November 2009

Successful Sales CRM – It’s All About Process

By CommenceCRM / November 12, 2009

I read an interesting article that compared the success rate of accounting software implementations to that of CRM solution implementation within a sales organization. The results were intriguing.  While accounting software implementations seem to enjoy a high level of success, this is not the case for sales automation systems.  The article went on to compare and outline the differences between…

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Lead Rating, Account Ranking

Manage Those Leads!

By CommenceCRM / November 4, 2009

Small to mid-size businesses are looking toward CRM solutions to help them implement a structured process within their sales organization.  Many CRM solutions do this rather well and provide the flexibility for businesses to implement a standard sales process from companies such as Sandler Systems or Dale Carnegie or create a completely customized one. This ensures that each new opportunity…

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